Function record

  • The record schema checks that the type of the value is an object, and that all of its properties match the given schema(s). This schema exists in two flavors: one where the keys are strings, and one where the keys are of a specific type.

    Defining a record by its values

    In this version of record, the schema of the values is given as parameter to the function.


    import { record, number } from "typerun/schema";
    import { is } from "typerun";

    const schema = record(number);
    if (is(schema)({ a: 42, b: 31 })) {
    console.log("value is an object with numbers");
    if (!is(schema)({ a: 42, b: "hello" })) {
    console.log("value is not an object with numbers");

    The schema of the keys cannot be validated using this version, they must simply be valid JavaScript object keys. If you need specific values for the keys, use the second version of the schema record.

    Type Parameters

    • V


    • valuesSchema: Schema<V>

      The schema to validate the values of the record.

    Returns Schema<Record<string, V>>

  • Defining a record by its keys and values

    The record schema checks that the type of the value is an object, and that all of its keys match the given schema, as well as all of its values.


    import { record, value, number, either } from "typerun/schema";
    import { is } from "typerun";

    const schema = record({ k: either(value("a"), value("b")), v: number });
    if (is(schema)({ a: 42, b: 31 })) {
    console.log("value is an object with numbers");
    if (!is(schema)({ a: 42, b: "hello" })) {
    console.log("value is not an object with numbers");
    if (!is(schema)({ a: 42, c: 93 })) {
    console.log("value is not an object with correct keys");

    Type Parameters

    • V
    • K extends string


    • schemas: {
          k: Schema<K>;
          v: Schema<V>;

      An object with the schema of the keys, and the schema of the values.

    Returns Schema<Record<K, V>>